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  • Rhoda Broughton’s Short Story “Poor Pretty Bobby” - Stylistic Analysys


    Referāts25 Literatūra

5,49 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 15.10.2008.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 11 vienības
Atsauces: Ir
Nr. Sadaļas nosaukums  Lpp.
  Introduction    5
1.  The Concept of Stylistic Devices    7
1.1.  Phonetic Stylistic devices    10
1.2.  Lexical Stylistic devices    12
1.3.  Syntactical Stylistic devices    18
2.  GHOST STORY    21
2.1.  Ghost Stories as a Literary Genre    21
2.2.1.  Rhoda Broughton    23
2.2.2.  The Biography of Rhoda Brought    23
4.2.  Rhoda Broughton`s literary heroines    25
3.1.  Short Summary of the novel ‘Poor Pretty Bobby’    27
3.2.  The Role of Stylistic devices within Rhoda Broughton`s novel `Poor Pretty Bobby`    29
  Conclusion    37
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The theme of the present paper is ‘Stylistic Analysis of Broughton’s Short Story’. The reasons for writing a paper on this topic are numerous. Broughton’s novels are notable for their fresh style and emotional intensity. The use of stylistic devices within her novels helps to reveal the emotions of characters; reflects the feelings of the protagonist as well as helps the reader to experience the very special atmosphere of Victorian era. Stylistically coloured descriptions of the characters` inner world drop some indirect hints, thus, sending the reader a special message. The overall analysis of the novels of that time enriches our knowledge of the English literature and history, and broadens our world outlook.
Another reason for writing this paper is the peculiarity of the writing style of the Victorian era. The novels of that time carried out the function of the main means of the middle class entertainment that pictured all the actualities of that- time life. Also the novels of the mid-Victorian era are more realistic and often grimmer.
Thus, the aim of the paper is:
to identify and analyse the stylistic devices which are used in the novel "Poor Pretty Bobby" and to state the way these devices reflect the feelings of the characters, the chains of the events and, thus, the mood of the novel, and whether they reveal the ideas of the book.
The objectives are:
study and analysis of Broughton’s biography and peculiarities of literature in the mid-Victorian era,
observation and study of the stylistic devices, their types and role,
study and analysis of stylistic devices in the novel "Poor Pretty Bobby".
The methods of research are:
the stydy and critical analysis of literary sources, sources from the internet and mass media products on the topic
stylistic analysis of literary sources.

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