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Publicēts: 21.04.2020.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

The economy of the Latvian SSR was largely dependent on the expertise and insights of the leaders of the USSR
The biggest changes took place in the Latvian SSR immediately after the Second World War - during Stalin, when the economic model of the Republic of Latvia was radically changed and often by repressive methods.
The decisions of the leaders of the USSR in recent times were largely similar to those of the Stalinist period
To a large extent the economy of the Latvian SSR was created artificially; The economy relied on labor and raw materials imported from the USSR; Enormous effort was made to integrate agriculture into the common economic system of the USSR, investing enormous resources that most often did not pay

The biggest problem was the ignored possibility that the Latvian SSR could determine the direction and development of its economy. The regulations dictated by Moscow often proved to be wrong and difficult to implement
The brightest "results" of the Soviet economic system - poor quality goods, shortage of consumer goods, standard-built residential houses for the majority Russian-speaking population
The Soviet Latvian economy was unprofitable, inefficiently built, although it was subject to large-scale investment.

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