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  • How Does Hydrochloric Acid Affect the Time of Magnesium to Dissolve?


    Konspekts3 Ķīmija

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Publicēts: 01.04.2004.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

In my experiment I found a trend. From my results I could see, the higher the amount of acid, the quicker the magnesium took to dissolve. This happens because, as it is stated in my theory, ' Reactions are faster at higher concentrations.' For example when the acid was 20ml, the reaction took 20 seconds, but when the acid was 2 the reaction took 51 minutes. When there was more acid, the time for reaction was quicker.
If there is no acid, the magnesium will not dissolve. That happened in my experiment. As there was only 20ml of water and no acid in the solution, no reaction took place. As the amount of hydrochloric acid decreased, of course the time taken for magnesium to dissolve decreased.
The results help support my prediction as my prediction does agree with my results. I predicted that, the higher the amount of acid, the quicker the magnesium will dissolve. Or, the higher amount of water in the solution, the longer the magnesium will take to dissolve. This is exactly what happened. As the amounts of acid decreased each time by 2ml, the time taken increased by the seconds and minutes. bubbles produced, decreased.
The test was predictable. This may have been because in every case, as the amount of acid increases, the rate of reaction increases.

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