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  • The Notion of Happiness in A.Huxley’s Roman "Brave New World"


    Eseja6 Literatūra

5,49 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 25.01.2022.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 6 vienības
Atsauces: Ir
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Not much is known about the two after they got exiled but in my opinion the saddest fate from the whole book belonged to John the Savage. He was an outsider back home and even more of an outsider in this “brave new world” as he called it. He came to it with a hope that maybe there he would be accepted but he was not. In fact, this new world killed mother – the only person who could understand him – and no one really seemed to care because notions of death and grief were not known to the citizens of the World State so that they could maintain eternal happiness. No one really understood him and he was completely alone even before he got exiled. In fact, John the Savage was even happy that he got exiled to the lighthouse, away from the society. He finally thought that he would be at peace and no one would bother him. But in fact that is not what happened. As soon as the brainwashed citizens got to know his location swarms of helicopters and news reporters gathered around his new home every day. At the end of the book he completely lost his mind and started to whip one of the women that were gathered around his new home because they did not support monogamy, and they even pushed him into taking soma. After realizing what he had done he could not take it anymore and decided to kill himself by hanging. This shows how wrong and twisted was the notion of happiness in the World State. …

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