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Publicēts: 26.01.2021.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 5 vienības
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I have usually performed better if I set the target to pursue. I think the best way for me to motivate myself through upcoming years in DCU is to set a goal I want to achieve at the end of my course. I have discovered that the Theory of Goal setting will serve me as guide trough university and on the other side I found a theory of Self- Efficacy very useful in increasing confidence and which is important to engage in all aspects throughout the college years. I think those are two things I need to not just ‘’survive’’ trough the university but necessary to perform and put maximum effort in my degree.
During this assignment, I have learned ways of improving my skills and confidence trough set challenging goals, so not just settled down with pass mark but also go beyond and achieve higher grades. Obviously, I must put in more work, but I find it useful in future career and life. I have set goal to finish university with at least 2.1 grade or higher and that seems now very far away. I think to achieve it I must start from first year building up my confidence and knowledge. As Albert Bandura said:’’ Psychology cannot tell people how they ought to live their life's. It can, however, provide them with the means for effecting personal and social change’’ (Bandura, 1976). I do agree with his statement only I can decide what is the best way to do things. If I need to look for guidance, Self- Efficacy theory is the excellent source of information to gain knowledge from. Also, I can correlate knowledge I have gained with my employment which is a great way of increasing productivity.

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