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Publicēts: 20.04.2006.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Frank Burch, an ophthalmologist first had the idea of using biometrics through iris pattern identification in 1936. [5] Two other ophthalmologists then picked it up during the eighties, Aran Safir and Leonard Flom who in turn asked John Daugman, a teacher at Harvard University to create an algorithm. The algorithm he created is the foundation for all of today's iris recognition [6], which is being used and introduced more throughout the world. No two irises are alike and they have more information than a fingerprint, which makes it more reliable and are used for identification as well as verification. When the eye is being scanned, which can take up to five seconds, the light that is shone into the eye may vary to watch for pupil dilation, this method prevents a fake eye from being used and fooling the system. Another method used that is similar to iris scanning is retinal scanning, retinal scanning is done by measuring the blood vessel patterns in the back of the eye using a beam of light to capture certain characteristics. This type of biometric is not normally used today because it can be considered intrusive as it can detect such things as pregnancy. Fingerprinting is another method used for identification as well as verification.…

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