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Publicēts: 23.12.2007.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

ablauts; patskaņu mija
In linguistics, the process of ablaut is a vowel change accompanying a change in grammatical function. For example, the vowel change in English from i to a to u in sing (present tense), sang (preterite), sung (past-participle) is referred to as an ablaut.
Ablaut is a semi-regular phenomenon that affects whole classes of verbs in Ancient Greek and Sanskrit.

A pronounceable abbreviation of a compound, name or phrase used as one word, often composed of the initial letters or syllables of the items abbreviated.
Depending on how many of the constituent words begin with vowels and the phonotactics of the language an acronym exists in, acronyms can be pronounced as a word, as a series of the names of the letters, or some combination of the two.

apzīmētājs; apstāklis
In linguistics, an adjunct is a type of adverbial illustrating the circumstances of the action. It expresses such relations as time, manner, place, frequency, reason and degree, i.e. it answers the questions: where, when, how and why. For example: It's near Boston. (Place adjunct.) He spoke calmly (manner adjunct), since he had all the time in the world (adjunct of reason).

An adjunct can be a single word, a phrase, or a clause. Single word: She will leave tomorrow. Phrase: She will leave in the morning. Clause: She will leave after she has had breakfast.
adverbial modifier

apstāklis(teikuma loceklis)
It is a secondary part of the sentence which modifies another part of the sentence expressed by a verb, or an adjective, or an adverb, denoting the time, place, manner, place, degree, quantity, etc.
An adverbial phrase or clause similarly functions as a verbal modifier. E.g. in she spoke quickly, the word "quickly" is an adverb which modifies the verb "spoke".

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