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Publicēts: 11.03.2010.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Another important point of view is inside relations of politicians. There are constant rumours that the coalition will collapse. Is there a fundamental problem with the whole political system? In my opinion, there are too many politicians for our small country Latvia. We have a five party coalition, which has good and bad aspects. The coalition was expanded at the start of the crisis so decisions could be made more easily. But this means there are five different opinions about how to resolve problems. But as the next elections approach, we are seeing party consolidation. The era of small parties is over, so we are on the right path, but inside Riga City Council will be a big fight on authority. Day –to –day in TBT we can read different people thoughts about politicians. On January 21st was written about suspended State Revenue Service Director General Dzintars Jakans, who will get another post. While the Greens/Farmers Union supported his rotation, Finance Minister Einars Repse said that Jakans must be penalized and removed from office, but if politicians in the coalition are not unanimous, a compromise must be found.…

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