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Publicēts: 17.02.2010.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 5 vienības
Atsauces: Ir
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According to linguistics, compound is a word that consists either of two or more elements that are independent words such as worldwide, schoolboys that are mentioned above. Of course, there is no limit of combination of words, but I found out examples by main word class.
I would like to say that, on the one hand, it was not very difficult task to indentify all those compounds in newspapers and magazines. That depends upon patience and reading. On the other hand, it was a bit tricky to understand the both meanings of compound, e.g. is it really an adjective or maybe an adverb? In the long run I got the idea that compounds is not the same as compound derivatives, however, sometimes it is really hard to distinguish. I realized that magazines I used during this assignment preferred me great number of compounds. I tried to found out three different ways that compounds may be written: together, with a hyphen and separately. Mostly they were written with hyphen, but it was slightly complicated to recognize separate compounds, maybe because the sentences were quite long and sometimes it took a while to understand the meaning of them. ‘Sight & Sound’ deals with British films and their annotations and summaries. For that reason, mainly these compounds characterize the content of different films. As concerns to my observations, the most difficult was to found out compounds consisting of verb plus verb and verb plus adjective. In common with Latvian, most often these languages have noun plus noun and adjective plus noun compounds; they are really widespread.
After finishing this project, I have a feeling that from this moment during the reading I will pay much more attention to compounds, their combinations and derivations. I suppose it will be very interesting to observe the compounding tendency of this language further on.

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