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Publicēts: 14.07.2005.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
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Pizza history in Latvia
In Latvia’s capital Riga are so much public cutering’s companies, and there is large competition on it. One of the famous pizza makers is SIA REVIAL , who owns and operates Pizza Jazz and the second one is SIA LATER Ltd, who owns Pizza Lulu. Of course, there are much more pizza cafe, but these two are with best quality and are more famous.

Pizza Lulu
The first one pizza caffe founded in 1993. Pizza Lulu is the Latvia’s number one pizza chain, this company is the country’s favorite since 1994 for this kind of product. That makes theys as the first and oldest pizza chain. At now Pizza Lulu currently has five convenient locations in Riga. This firm also offers fast, free delivery of their menu. Also Pizza Lulu has an interest ordering site – www.lulu.lv . The company has 65 young and energetic employees. Sales in 2001 were over one million Euro. SIA Later Ltd. owns and operates Pizza Lulu, and is owned by three partners: Canadians Elmar Tannis and Peter Rugelis and local Latvian Kaspars Sunins.
Pizza Lulu supports and is active in the following charitable organisations: like the Latvian Red Cross, Riga Boys Choir, Children’srehabilitation centre “Mes esam lidzas”.
Food delivery is working 24hours and is for free, just the order must be Ls 5 minimum, although theys hevent cheaper pizzas.
The offer in menu are pizza, salads, salad dressing, muffins, snacks, carbonated drinks, milk, juice, alcohol and soups. The Pizza Lulu is the more expensive.

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