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Publicēts: 12.08.2011.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 3 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
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Most adjectives can be used with a noun and usually come immediately before it in the sentence
A green dress
A nice lady
When adjectives are used in this way they are said to modify the noun; this use is called attributive

Most adjectives can be used after verbs like to be, to seem, to appear in sentences like this
She seems unhappy
The answer was positive
In such sentences the adjective forms the complement of the sentence and completes the meaning of the sentence subject. This use is called predicative.

Simple adjectives have only the stem
deep, cheap, cold, dry, new, full, etc.

Derived adjectives have affixes
Prefixes - Suffixes

Compound adjectives are built from two or more stems
Kind-hearted, long-lasting, overconfident, black-and-white.

Using more and most before the positive degree of other two or more syllabic adjectives
magnificent-more magnificent-most magnificent

Adding –er/-est or using more/most
Clever, common, cruel, extreme, handsome, honest, (un)pleasant, polite, solemn, tranquil, sure, clear, free, keen, safe, true, wise, feeble, gentle, able, narrow, simple, sincere, stupid, tired.…

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