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Publicēts: 26.01.2009.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

What is oktoberfest
Oktoberfest is a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany
It is during late September and running to early October
It is one of the most famous events in the city and the world's largest fair
The original "Oktoberfest" occurred in Munich, on October 18, 1810: For the commemoration of their marriage, Crown Prince Ludwig (later King Ludwig I) and Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen
There are different dates named as being the first Oktoberfest
In the year 1812, the Oktoberfest was cancelled since Bavaria was involved in the Napoleonic war.
Oktoberfest in nowadays
Since 1950, there has been a traditional festival opening: A twelve gun salute and the tapping of the first keg of Oktoberfest beer at 12:00 by the current Mayor of Munich with the cry "O'zapft is!“
By 1960, the Oktoberfest had turned into an enormous world-famous festival
There are many problems every year with young people, who overestimate their ability to handle large amounts of alcohol.…

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