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Publicēts: 27.04.2016.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

A traditionally popular drink called Kali - similar to kvass - is becoming more popular again.
Mead or mõdu is made for setting the mood on national holidays a well as mellow summer evenings. It is a drink designed for celebrating. Saku Mõdu is a traditional fermented drink with a taste of honey and an alcohol content of 4.0%. The drink that was most popular in ancient times, has almost completely disappeared.
Nowadays, locally brewed beer is the number one choice to accompany food, different juices or simply water being the main non-alcoholic choice. Wine is widely drunk, and although it is still not as popular as beer, it is becoming all the more common. There are also Estonian fruit wines made of apples or different berries. Estonians are also proud of their vodka and other spirits, such as the herbal liquer Vana Tallinn. Two of Estonia's oldest breweries are A. Le Coq, founded in 1807, and Saku Brewery, founded in 1820.

Beliefs and habits
The pig’s snout was given to a child, because people believed that it helped the child to become a writer.
Eating the heart gives strength.
A loaf of bread was never put on a table upside crust down. That would predict a family member’s death.
It was not allowed to lay a loaf of bread with its cut side to the door, because then the house would run out of bread.
People imprinted a cross on a loaf of bread before they baked it, because it would protect the family from an evil eye.

These traditions are old and mostly forgotten.

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