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Publicēts: 31.05.2007.
Valoda: Latviešu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 1 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
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Reliģiskā ticība ir stavoklis, kurš satur kaut ka patiesa, kopīga un apsolūta sajutu, kā dogma.
Psihoanalīze ir pētījuma metode, kura pati par sevi nesatur zināšanas.
Reliģiskā ticība un reliģija piedāva absolūta ideju, patiesības, kura netika sasniegta kopš antīkiem laikiem. Mēs zinām, ka pat fizikā teorijas ir relatīvas, piemerām, gravitācija.
Filosofija, antropoloģija, mitoloģija, socioloģija, psiholoģija, psihoanalīze un saistītas sfēras var piedāvāt citu un specifisko koncepciju, kas tomēr parada apsleptus bezvariantus, kuri varetu dot daudz ekskluzīvu patiesību.

To relate psychology, psychoanalysis and religious faith is to observe and try to understand by means of relative parameters.

Religious faith is a state that contains the feeling of something true, total and absolute, like a dogma.

Psychoanalysis is an investigative method that in itself it does not contain knowledge.

Religious faith and religion offer the idea of absolute, of a total and finished truth that has not been achieved by science since ancient times. We know that even in physics the theories are relative and questionable as to their universal reach, such as the laws of gravitation and the quanta, which have not been integrated in a single theory for macro and microcosm.

As Popper said (11), we can adopt an inclusive theory, that is, one with values nearer to the universal. At a certain time and context it may work as an operational concept. This concept can be taken as true but not the absolute truth, only an inclusive truth.

I suggest we can extract the knowledge of the most inclusive truth from different realms.

Water can be found in different states, such as solid, liquid and gaseous, but from a chemical point of view it shows a non-variant, that is, in every state it is still made by two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen.

Philosophy, anthropology, mythology, sociology, psychology, psychoanalysis and related fields can produce different and specific concepts that nevertheless show hidden non-variants, which may contribute for more inclusive truths.

Philosophers have always disagreed about knowledge, God and religion, leaving us a large and complex body of thoughts on such concepts (1).

Reality and absolute truth are perceived in different ways according to the beliefs of the several schools of thoughts. The empiricists understand we can capture truth by means of our senses; the intuitionists that intuition would be that tool; while idealists trust reason; those belonging to the historical dialectic materialism group believe in the research methods of their theory; the religious believers accept faith and revelation; and so on. Every group has its own tool of omnipotent power.

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