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Publicēts: 14.10.2013.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

• Mode of action: it is a controversial topic on whether we have an absolute obligation to obey the law or not (political obligation), however the idea with civil disobedience is that if a law itself is not moral it cannot be morally binding. Often civil disobedience is suggested as a last resort. Civil disobedience can be 1) divisive for the society, 2) lead to a view that changes to policies should be sought through means of breaking the law in all cases, 3) encourage general disrespect for the law.
• Motivation for Acting: Obviously civil disobedience should be done for the right reason, as in an authentic care about say the rights of a certain oppressed minority group rather than in seeking reelection through these means.
• Rights- the argument about the right to civil disobedience is partially based on how we view political obligations. Some hold the view that within liberal regimes where political participation is allowed, civil disobedience is not justifiable, however note that rather than being liberal or illiberal all countries fall along a spectrum, also that the political process can often be ineffective or slow.

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