Publicēts: 04.05.2003.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja 'Interracial Adoption', 1.
  • Eseja 'Interracial Adoption', 2.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Should children of color have to spend the most vulnerable years of their life in foster care or orphanages simply because a family of their race is unavailable? What if a family of a different race could adopt these children? Should they be put into a stable, loving home, or should they be kept in foster homes hoping that a family of the same-race is found? This process of finding same-race families can take years. Why put the children through such hard times when a loving family is available? It is unfair to the children! Interracial adoption benefits the families and children involved and needs acceptance by all Americans.
Opponents of interracial adoption are concerned with identity development and psychological adjustment in children in interracial adoption, because they believe that people cannot raise children of a different race correctly. …
