Publicēts: 28.03.2018.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 3 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 1.
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 2.
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 3.
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 4.
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 5.
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 6.
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 7.
  • Prezentācija 'Sun God Ra', 8.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Horus and Ra
In later Egyptian mythology there was so called Ra-Horakhty. It translates as "Ra (who is) Horus of the Two Horizons".
Horakhty as a sunrise-oriented aspect of Horus
It has been suggested that Ra-Horakhty simply refers to the sun's journey from horizon to horizon as Ra, or that it means to show Ra as a symbolic deity of hope and rebirth. 

Another important ancient Egyptian symbol connected to Ra is the “Bennu”. Bennu is the name of the bird that represented Ra’s soul.
It was sealed at the Tree of Life in Ra’s Sun Temple in Heliopolis.

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