Publicēts: 28.12.2020.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Konspekts '"Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw', 1.
  • Konspekts '"Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw', 2.
  • Konspekts '"Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw', 3.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Higgins, Pickering and Eliza return from the ball and the bet is won. Eliza fooled everybody and was a lady with perfect manners the whole night. But Higgins seems to think of this as his accomplishment and doesn’t even pay attention to Liza. He describes her as his creations until Liza becomes disgusted by that and tells that she would rather be the girl selling flowers on the street again than what she is now. She is confused and doesn’t know what to do now when the experiment is over. Higgins suggest that she marry some great gentleman but she rejects this idea. Eliza responds that she was above selling herself when she was a working-class woman, its better to sell flowers than your body. She asks whether her clothes belong to her and gives back the borrowed jewellery. She also gives Higgins back the ring that he gave her as a gift. Higgins becomes furious and throws it in the fireplace. And says that she has hurt him.
Higgins and Pickering are about to call the police because they cannot find Liza. They finally find her at Mrs. Higgins house. They are arguing. Higgins all the time says that Liza is his creation but Eliza says that the difference between a lady and a flower-girl is not in anything that she does but in how she is treated. …

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