• The Conditions During the Reign of Louis IV, During the Cultural Renaissance in Europe


    Eseja2 Mūzika

Publicēts: 13.08.2003.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
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  • Eseja 'The Conditions During the Reign of Louis IV, During the Cultural Renaissance in ', 1.
  • Eseja 'The Conditions During the Reign of Louis IV, During the Cultural Renaissance in ', 2.
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Absolutism is a political assertion or theory that claims that all power is vested in either a Monarch or a small group of people. This type of ruler often feels that his or her authority is given to them by a divine decree. During the era of absolutist style of welding power, France and other places around the world were emulating absolutist styles of authoritarian leadership. Gloria Fiero says that during the Age of Absolutism, there was a devotion to making intellectual, artistic, and political progress.
It seems to have been inspired by the development of the church. Along with expressed urges to show in the art work a yearning for piety and other lofty ambitions, a new style of looking at the world had flowered on the earth. Man's intellect had opened.

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