Publicēts: 26.11.2003.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja 'Analysis of Film "The Black Robe"  ', 1.
  • Eseja 'Analysis of Film "The Black Robe"  ', 2.
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The purpose for production behind The Film "The Black Robe" by Robert Lantor was to tell the story of a Jesuit missioner named Paul Lafarge and his quest to convert the indigenous population of Canada into Christianity in the 1600's. Although the main plot of the story is to tell Lafarge's story, it is also intended to portray trough the film the differences between the indigenous customs and traditions and the European mannerisms and education. The story is based on the fiction novel written Wilkie Collins.
The story begins in 1634 in a small French settlement in Quebec. Here, father Lafarge is given the task by his superiors to take after a 1500 mile trip to a mission in Lake Huron. He is to be accompanied by a group of Algoquin Indians who made a deal with the village's governor to look after Lafarge and assure he reaches the Huron mission safely. …

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