Publicēts: 09.04.2004.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 1.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 2.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 3.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 4.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 5.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 6.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 7.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 8.
  • Eseja '3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study', 9.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing undertaken by Nokia at the beginning of the 3G products life cycle is not really appropriate for this kind of product. It would ultimately send out the wrong message to the consumer. However, when the market becomes saturated and market forces push the price of these products is pushed out of the prestige range and the product is possibly being given away with contracts, then direct marketing could be very effective. Such techniques as direct mail, internet spam and cold calling may be appropriate.
Sales Promotion
There is room for good sales promotions with technologically advanced products of this ilk. It is likely with the introduction of Bluetooth technology (an up-and-coming communications standard for short-distance wireless connections. It replaces the many proprietary cables that connect one device to another with one universal short-range radio link), there will be plenty of "add on" accessories for these products to increase their functionality. These, like the product itself, when first launched are likely to be particularly expensive. A good sales promotion to sell more units would be to give these accessories away with the main product. Possible "cash back" and money off vouchers to be spent on Nokia products could also be utilised. These sale promotions, although promoted in the advertising of the product, should be aimed at the wholesaler/retailer as well as the end consumer.
