Publicēts: 08.07.2004.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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  • Eseja 'Why Did the Allies Drop the Atomic Bomb in Japan? ', 1.
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The Allies had stopped the Japanese Emperor from expanding its emperor by dropping two atomic bombs. However, this decision had two edges. In relation to the war, the Allies were successfully end the war, which could had been extended into post- war condition, full of hostility and confrontation. In the other hand, there were also judgments that could be used to reconsider the decision to drop the atomic bombs.
<Tab/>Soon, after the war had been tensed down and Japan was in losing position, the Allies, especially US, had to be able to handle this vacuum condition. This vacuum condition opened a wide door for USSR to take control in Asia Pacific. However, since US dropped the atomic bombs, this vacuum condition ended, Japanese surrendered under US terms, and USSR failed to enter Asia Pacific. The failure of USSR to enter Asia Pacific buried any chance of post- war condition. …

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