Publicēts: 19.02.2021.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
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  • Eseja 'French Live to Eat', 1.
  • Eseja 'French Live to Eat', 2.
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The knife should be kept in your right hand and the fork in your left while eating a meal. Don’t lick your utensils. Once you have finished your meal, place your utensils next to each other on the right side of the plate. Don’t eat food with your hands. Bread and fries are the only foods that you can acceptably eat with your hands. A knife and fork are otherwise always used, even when eating a burger or pizza. Don’t ask for seconds, but you may accept a second helping if the host offers it. Also, don’t take the last piece of bread or cheese. French etiquette dictates that you should offer any remaining food to other guests first, if they refuse, then you can take it. And there is a lot more rules for french etiquette.

So today it’s all I can say about french food, restaurants and etiquette. But I absolutely love France. This is like a paradise for me. I wish to live there someday with my family and learn them all about France.

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