Publicēts: 30.05.2005.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja 'Christopher Columbus', 1.
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<Tab/>The queen and king did not believe the bad reports against Columbus so they allowed him to go out again. However, the officials who were supposed to help Columbus gather a crew together postponed the trip so Columbus was not able to leave until the last week of May in the year 1498. Columbus still did not realize that he was not in India. His brother Bartholomew was in command of the colony in Hispaniola.
<Tab/>Obviously, the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World had a major impact of the Americas and the Caribbean. England encouraged people to start a new life in the new land, and many people went for money reasons and, mainly, religious freedom. It did not take very long, after the Pilgrims settled in Plymouth, for America to settle. States were formed, and a government was coming into play. Eventually they had a Constitution and were free from England. America went through its vicissitudes until it formed the nation that we have today.
