• Essay about a Reflection on an ABC Report on Cheating and Plagiarism for my Religion Class


    Eseja1 Reliģija

Publicēts: 02.04.2006.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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  • Eseja 'Essay about a Reflection on an ABC Report on Cheating and Plagiarism for my Reli', 1.
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The movie we watched was very interesting. I felt like I could definitely relate to most of the situations they brought up. In particular, the point about how you felt the need to cheat nowadays to keep up with the cheaters. Their information was very accurate and it really gives you a look into what life is like as a student. When watching it I really felt like what they were saying was pro-cheater. The only problem with the movie was the give a lot of great reasons why there is such a high percentage of cheaters out there, but the never offered any ways to fix the problem.…
