Publicēts: 11.06.2003.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja 'Witches and Heretics in the Medieval World', 1.
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Since practically the beginning of time, as early as 9 C.E. there has been the
belief of God. Along with that belief, there was the belief of the Antichrist,
or the Devil and his minions, commonly known as Witches, warlocks, and
sorcerers. These words have many different meanings attached to them, however each basically mean that they are a group of people who share a common belief system which opposes that of the Roman Catholic Church. Witches were seen as evil people, primarily women, whom devoted their
lives to killing and bringing pain and illness to others through the power of black magic, or sorcery. They sold their soul to the Christian Devil, and worshipped Satan. Once a person was accused of witchcraft, they were brought to trial. The vast majority of people were tried from 1550 - 1650. It was during the trial that the person or persons gave testimonies admitting to witchcraft and ill repute, and were persecuted based on their confessions. …

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