Publicēts: 28.12.2018.
Valoda: Latviešu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 1.
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 2.
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 3.
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 4.
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 5.
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 6.
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 7.
  • Prezentācija 'Change Management', 8.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

It’s always nice to get something more, than you expected to get and such unexpected benefits can occur very fast after your change process is ended. Unseen benefits of change management may not be considered at first, but they are just as valuable as other benefits. At first it may seem that change management process is very expensive, but in long term all the expenses and hard work pays off with higher profit.
But the greatest importance of change management is that it provides conceptual scaffolding for the people, the process, and the organization implementing change. It is a framework used to support and understand the change and its effect on the organization and its people.
Summary: to sum up I would say that change management should be something more than following a process and implementing steps, it should be guided by principles which help to shape the changes you wish to make. Simply by following these four principles you will be more successful in change management process and relationships with your employees will be way better than before.
Thank you for your attention. If there are any questions, please ask them.

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