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Publicēts: 13.10.2020.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Am I trying to use every thing thoughtfully and gently?

Yes I am.For example talking about water.I am trying to save water when I am for example washing hands.I try not to first of all drain water when I am not washing something(dishes,hands) and also when I am washing something I try to not put the water level on maximum because water in that big intensity I don’t need.I try to put it at approximately middle that it is not little and also that it is not too much.First reason why I saving water is because by that how much water is used that much price will be and I don’t want my family to pay for water which I didn’t really use and also I am doing that to save our planet.

Then I also try to use electricity thoughtfully and gently.First of all.The reasons why I save electricity are quite the same. I do that because I don’t want family(more exactly parents) to pay money for electricity which I didn’t really need because electricity was used in the room where I wasn’t or in day time when we have enough light from outside(more exactly from sun).How I already mentioned the way I am saving electricity is by not turning light in rooms that I am not doing something and also by not turning lights in day time.

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